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James Raber

May 07, 1927 - June 01, 0202
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Posted by:

Melissa Gallagher

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Posted by:

Melissa Gallagher

Report Obit

James Raber

May 07, 1927 - June 01, 0202

James “Papa” Raber took his last breath on Earth in peace and comfort after a long, full life. Loving to the end, and feisty, raucous, and stubborn through his final days, Papa was the man we knew and loved through his whole journey.

Papa retired from the US Army as a Master Sergeant, earning numerous accolades including two Purple Heart awards and a Silver Star for his heroism and brave service in Korea and in Vietnam. He served his country, his family, and his community with vigor and passion. He worked tirelessly on Pike’s Peak and instilled a love for nature, the outdoors, and adventure in his grandchildren, whom he loved unconditionally. He was a devoted friend, a patient father, and good man committed to living well and loving hard. 

He enjoyed the finer things in life like hunting, fishing, salt in his beer, cheap whiskey, and peanut butter and onion sandwiches. He told endless stories of shenanigans and delighted in watching his grandchildren and great grandchildren grow. To know him was to love him, and to be loved by him was to understand loyalty at its most pure. 

This man will be deeply missed by those left behind, but we wish him every joy and comfort and delight in the next stage and cherish our memories of him, always. 

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Condolences 1

Bobby Gish It was a pleasure to know and work with Raber for many years on the highway. Lot of cheap whiskey some in the shop some around a campfire and a ton of old man stories. Not sure who had the tallest Tom Gayler or Jim but good times.
about 2 months ago

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