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Dale Leslie Koontz

November 01, 1943 - November 27, 2024
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Dale Koontz

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Dale Koontz

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Dale Leslie Koontz

November 01, 1943 - November 27, 2024

Dale Leslie Koontz, born November 1, 1943 in Toledo, Ohio. Passed away peacefully on November 27, 2024 at home in Santa Rosa, California.
Dale had a full life with many accomplishments: Served in the U.S. Army, Military Intelligence, from 1967 to 1968, stationed in Korea. Received a Bachelor’s Degree in Business and a Master’s Degree in Vocational Rehabilitation Counseling. Worked for the State Departments of Vocational Rehabilitation in Ohio and California for over 30 years. Married Sue Koontz after his honorable discharge, was married for 11 years and moved to California. Divorced Sue and remained single for six years. Met Nandina Bowden in 1986. It was “the Big L” and lasted 38 years.
Dale was a patient, loving stepfather to Apollo Bowden and a devoted father to his son, Richard. Post retirement, Dale studied for and obtained his Registered Investment Advisor license. He counseled many friends and colleagues, helping them maximize their retirement portfolios.
Happy to have lived in California as he did not miss Ohio winters, he did miss his family very much. His father, Richard, mother, Virginia, sister, Carol and nephew, Michael preceded him in death. He is survived by his cousin, Dyana, brother-in-law, Glen, three nieces, Missy, Martha and Mary Carol, along with their lovely families.
Dale loved helping people in so many ways, from his rehabilitation and financial counseling to inspecting and recommending replacements of our friends’ tires. He enjoyed traveling, eating out, movies and most of all, reading the newspapers, hard copy only! A memorial service is planned for Spring, 2025.

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Kathryn Dean I enjoyed all the times spent will Dale in Writing Group, Elder Salon, and all the other visiting opportunities we had. He was a kind, thoughtful, soft spoken man, and unlike so many of us, he thought before he commented! I will always remember waiting patiently (hard for me) as he formulated his responses and observations. He will be missed, especially by Nan, because Nan and Dale were best friends in addition to husband and wife, and enjoyed so many shared activities, interests, and adventures. Thanks for the memories Dale.
3 months ago

Ronni Sullivan Thinking of you today. This part of life is so raw. I hope for you support and love as you walk through this next phase. Looking forward to meeting with you when it works for you.
3 months ago

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