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Lydell Joaquim Martin

August 10, 1984 - July 11, 2021
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Cassandra Catchings

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Cassandra Catchings

Report Obit

Lydell Joaquim Martin

August 10, 1984 - July 11, 2021

Lydell Joaquim Martin
Sunrise 08/10/1984  12:32 PM
Sunset  07/11/2021   4:40 PM

The meaning of Lydell is 'from the open valley'
The meaning of Joaquim is: established by God

Lydell Joaquim Martin, affectionately aka My Life, Bon Vivant, Munchie, Dell, Deli, and Marty Mar.   At the age of 36.75 years around 4:40 PM, July 11, 2021 Lydell breathed his final breath leaving behind his beloved Mother, Cassandra Catchings, his father, William James Martin, his uncle Ellis A Catchings, his aunts, Earlyn Garrett, Jacquelyn Catchings, Shelia Catchings, Tonya Penn and Sharon.  He also left behind a host of cousins, extended family, very close friends and social media followers.  Lydell was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents Elsie J and Elijah Catchings as well as his paternal grandparents, his aunt, Evelyn Catchings, and younger cousin, Joshua Gray.

Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA, Lydell received his formal education from Lakewood High School, and he took classes at Long Beach City College while in high school.  He continued his higher education at Hampton University, University of Nevada, Las Vegas and earned his BA From California State University-Monterey Bay.  Degree Field of study - Teledramatic Arts & Technology.  He also became a Certified Mindfulness Facilitator through UCLA Mindfulness program, Spirit Rock and various other mindfulness retreats. 

Lydell was raised in the Baptist Church and had a strong Christian faith in God the father, Jesus his son, and the Holy Spirit.  At the age of 10 he was told by Pastor Marshall that he would be a minister one day and he had his calling.  This was after Lydell was in a church play where he played the role of Pastor Marshall.  He performed his role so well that day, people joined church after his sermon. Lydell was curious about other religions and took it upon himself to learn more about them.  

Lydell’s professional career began when he was 14 ½.  While in high school he completed paid internships at Boeing and Irlen Institute.  He started working at The Sky Room Restaurant at the top of Breakers Hotel in Long Beach, Ca.  He operated the elevator and told patrons the history of The Breakers Hotel.  When he received his first paycheck he decided to help pay the bills.  He started paying the gas bill.  Lydell also worked at Catalina Express, Macy’s, and Nix Check Cashing before settling at UCLA in various positions and Departments.  His dream was to continue to work and grow with UCLA through retirement age.

Lydell established Allpaths 501C3 non-profit 03/02/2009.  He was the CEO/Owner and very passionate about his non-profit.  He wanted to share with others what he had learned through meditation, yoga, and tea ceremonies.  

On May 20, 2021, Lydell filed an application to trademark Tonalist,  his telecommunication service, namely, transmission of podcasts.  He met all the requirements for his trademark and a serial number has been given.  Lydell promoted mindful wellbeing through creativity training and discussions on values and ethics.  He also encouraged audiences to prioritize self-care.  He had many videos of inspiration, growth, meditation, and breathing circulating in social media.  He held meditation classes, conducted meditation through CAAM (California African American Museum) and other venues during his free time.

He was working on establishing a tea shop and meditation facility near our home in Leimert Park.

Always smiling and willing to help others, Lydell was a friend, mentor, counselor, teacher, and most of all he is My Son.
My Life,

I am at a constant loss for words as I sit here waiting for you to walk through the front door saying, Hi Bombie, I’m home.  The tears won’t stop when I’m alone but, I can hold strong in front of others.  I miss you, I’m lost, I’m numb and I don’t want to accept that you are gone.

I know I have the memories 36.75 years of memories, pictures, voice recordings, and videos but, My Life, they can’t replace you.  They can’t fix this hole in my heart…they can’t.

This is supposed to be a celebration of life for you, and I will share a few good memories that only you and I had ok.

When you were still in my stomach, you would only move to the name Lydell, people at work ware amazed and would constantly say different names and you would not move, but, when they said Lydell you would start kicking and moving all around in there as if you were dancing.  

People were drawn to you since the day you were born.  When you entered this world the nurses were so drawn to you that I didn’t get discharged for 4 days.  They wanted to hold you, play with you, carry you around.  The only time during those 4 days I had you was when I had to feed you. They would say they love your infectious grin/smile.

When you went to preschool, I thought you would not leave my side nor let go of my hand.  You saw the other kids inside and took off running and turned around the said “bye, bye, get me later.”  When I returned you would run and jump in my arms and kiss me all over my face.  

You loved to read, your favorite move, “The Lion King”, your favorite book, Green Eggs and Ham.  You preferred to watch National Geographics and Motley Fools and anything dealing with the stock market over video games and cartoons.  You were my financial advisor since the age of 10.  You used to read the dictionary and your goal was to learn a page of new words every 3 days, know the meaning of them and how to use them in sentences.  You were tall for your age and you would go to business celebrations with me.  One of my supervisors asked you if you were going to play basketball or other sports and your response was “No, I’m a businessman and I will own a team.” 

You were 14 ½ when you obtained your first job at the Sky Room operating the elevator and telling the patrons the history of Breakers Hotel.  You were also 14 ½ when you started paying bills because you wanted to help me.

In high school when they were asking the other students what college they were going to, but, failed to ask you because they had you slated to go to trade school, you stood up in the room and announced that you were going to Hampton University.  You asked them to change your classes to the AP classes because you wanted to go to college too the rest is history my CSUMB graduate.

You loved life, sharing, caring for others.  Your infectious laugh, your beautiful smile and personality, I miss them.  I miss you!  

I saw the Monarch Butterfly, My Life… I Love You, Always and Forever, I Love You Much, I thank God for letting me have the time with you.  Double Heart Taps My Love 


It is said that:

Monarch butterflies represent the spiritual evolution and cosmic connection through one’s past lifetimes or the lifetimes of their ancestors. Monarch butterflies represent the guiding light that directs one to their highest spiritual truth, and the internal compass that we all have that never ceases to work to point us in the right direction.
Damn Mr. Martin
It really hurts my soul to have to write this right now. I know you were very spiritually connected so I know you are in your next space at peace, but we are heartbroken here without you bro. You were the first big brother I had known, and you always in your own way looked out for me when you could. I will always appreciate you for that. The memories that we share I will cherish and keep with me until we meet again. I will put into practice the things you have taught me over the years and keep your memory alive. I’m just sorry I wasn’t able to be there for you when you needed someone. I love you brother and will see you again in the next chapter, so save me a space so I don’t have to wait in line! LOL
Gerard Hughes Jr.


It was 1989 at my church when I noticed this very inquisitive very serious 5-year-old by the name of Lydell Martin.  His vocabulary was larger than Webster's dictionary.  He was always so serious about his surroundings and what was being taught at the church.  It is often said that youngsters and geniuses such as Lydell come along long before their time, but not so, he came along at a time such as this, we needed him.  Lydell touched so many lives on his journey and on his final way home. 

Sylvia Strafford, Union Missionary Baptist Church 


I wasn't yet ready to say goodbye. Although my heart is heavy today, I can't wait until the day where the thought of you will bring a smile to my face before the tears are able to form and my heart is able to swell. I love you Lydell.

Justin Elijah Hughes


When Deli was little, I would rent a new car pick up him and say let's go test it out.  Check list: the look, radio, the feel of seat, the speed, and the smoothness of the ride.   Every time I would get a car I would go get Deli.  We would talk, laugh, and then I tell him I'm on my way to Las Vegas thanks for checking out my car.  He will always have a part of my heart.  I Love You Deli

Brenda Porchai


Double heart taps to you! Your smile would always bring me joy, your kind words moved me, you always had good advice for me, I listened to you.  When I was needy, you helped me turn my life around. I love you Dell 

Jacquelyn D Catchings
I always called Dell my son.  How do I count the ways to express myself Dell?  It’s too many ways to count.   Dell was full of life, vivacious, outgoing, very intelligent, a people person, very outspoken, and a great computer whiz. He helped me out a lot.  He was always there if I needed his help.  What will I do now without him?  I’ll remember the time we had together while he was here. We all shared a lot with Dell. He touched a lot of people in his lifetime.  You are solely missed My Son.

Auntie Earl


I met Lydell through my husband, Obi, his best friend.  He was the best man in our wedding and as soon as we met, he greeted me with his amazing smile and a hug.  Lydell was so supportive of Obi as he faced health issues that almost postponed our wedding.  Obi moved around a lot growing up and subsequently didn’t have as many close friends as others.  But no matter how many years passed or how many miles separated them, Lydell was always his best friend.  It was an honor to finally meet the person that was so important to Obi.  Lydell joined our family in 2019 by becoming the Godfather to our son, Caden.  I so wish Lydell and Caden had the opportunity to know each other better.  Lydell made many efforts to get to know him from a distance, which we are so grateful for.  We will forever honor his memory and will always consider Lydell part of our family.   

Heather Uzowulu


Lydell, Loyal, Devoted, Enterprising, Lovable and Legendary depicts You.  I am most blessed to have befriended You. Your   presence automatically invoked joy and excitement.  And You’re dynamism; beyond contagious!  For you have truly stemmed from an open valley (Lydell) and have taken flight to be one established by God (Joaquim). Your names have embodied your persona. I am exceedingly grateful our paths collided.

Knowing You has been enlivening. As You had possessed a natural knack for motivating and inspiring others. Your people's commitment and investment has left a huge impression upon me. As well as your innovative dedication to awaken hearts and minds to a greater purpose. The legacy you have left behind will continue to elevate and stimulate others. To know you has allowed me to 
experience the bounty of cultivating authentic and meaningful relationships in the twenty-first century.

Most graciously,

Ashanti Netsanet


It is impossible to express how much you meant to me.  I don’t know where when, how or why.  I simply have to accept that ‘life is but a dream’ and when the dust settles, and we will meet again.  Marty, I always admired that you were such a visionary, a student, and a teacher all rolled into one.  You lived your life to the fullest in your own explorative way.  Although I am the Aunt, I have learned so much from you Lydell Joaquim Martin.  So, thank you for sharing your life, wisdom, dreams, visions with me and the world.  You were always a ray of sunshine, and I will forever miss your light.  Peace in Love out, until we meet again.

Love Auntie Shelia

Lydell has been my best friend since we first met as roomates back in college.  The first words that come to mind when I thin of him are regal and dignified.  He took pride in being styloish and carried hmself with a sophisticated elegance.  He was also very intelligent and yet he loved to laugh.

Most i;mportantly when I think of Lydell, I think of what a great friend he was to me.  He has given me countless profound advice and helped me to see things with a different perspective.  I can still remember our discussions on things as diverse as wine, films, and meditation.  He was my college roomate, the best man at my wedding and the godfather to my son.

I just miss my friend

Obi Uzowulu


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