Shay L-V
I never had the honor to meet this man, but he impacted my life so much. I had been uncomfortable with myself my entire childhood/adolescence. Back in the 90s/early 00s there was no information for kids like me.
It wasn't until I discovered his book Body Alchemy that I knew there could be something more for me one day.
I bought this book back in 2006 when I was 17 years old. I poured through every page multiple times. It was the first time I had ever seen a trans man in my life. To know these folks seemed to be just like me, gave me not only hope, but also confidence in myself.
I still periodically open this book and look back on how I felt the first time reading it as a teenager.
I was very sad to hear of his passing. He has meant so much to trans men younger than him by way of his photography. His book was, for some of us like me, the first time we ever saw a trans men portrayed in a positive manner.
about 1 year
Paula Santos
I am sad to hear about the passing of Loren/Rex. I first met Loren/Rex in 1994 around the time his history making "Body Alchemy" was published and transgender presentations were in very high demand. I had the esteemed honour and privilege to participate in several transgender discussion panels and presentations with Loren/Rex in the 1990s, and I so admired Loren/Rex as a respected colleague, friend, and community member. Loren/Rex left the world a legacy of gender identity introspection, advocacy, and visibility, that will never be forgotten. May he rest in power and dignity!
almost 2 years
ann wees
I had the pleasure to know and work with Rex. He was a very favorite of mine. I am sorry for the loss to his family, and loved ones. He holds the greatest place of honor in our community. I will be forever be inspired by his courage, empathy, talent, insight, compassion, vulnerability, and humor. I will forever be inspired by what he brought to my life. I know how he has helped so many. I am blessed to have known and been touched by him.
almost 2 years
Pablo Vergara Perez
His work helped to the person that I'm today. I never met him, he never knew about my existence, but as a young trans man in a world with no references he was so brave and important to me that I can't put it into words
about 2 years
C Pearson
The bravery, strength, kindness and joy, that was Loren, Rex, is something we will not forget. You gave us, all of you, and put your heart, soul, life on the line, to reach the world, and those who didn't have any idea what was possible. Loren, you showed how handsome a body, and person, could be. Tears are falling, and I am feeling deep sorrow for your sisters, and those who love you. We will remember you, you will not be forgotten. Loren R. Cameron will be apart of history, and our hearts. Thank you, for what you did, for being a friend if only for a little while, and for giving us, the gift of you!
....a big bear hug...
about 2 years
Melissa Murphy
Loren/Rex had a big heart and an artist’s soul.
Rex was smart, creative, and a steadfast gentleman, the romantic sort that would bring flowers.
He was sensitive and had his edges. He was accepting and gentle and fierce when he needed to be.
We walked together a lot. In the Berkeley Hills and later on trails and beaches in Mendocino. He loved to feel the awe of nature and would share photographs he had taken of nature or rooftop birds or his dogs in motion.
I remember his birthday party on Stowe Lake! I still have photos of his big smile and box of puff pastries!
In his publishing days, he would talk of his photo shoots and the great lengths he made to create a dignified space. If it meant spending money he didn’t have, he did it anyway. He wanted to show respect to those he photographed, and command the attention of the viewer.
Rex took me to the gym and taught me to weight lift. He knew so much about the mechanics but also how the repetition healed the body. I fell in love with the gym because of him.
He is the only person I let call me Darlin’. I miss him deeply. May he finally be free of pain.
My deep condolences to his family and loved ones.
about 2 years
dani castro
I am so very grateful for his love and support during times when I had no self esteem. He always saw the beauty in others and I am deeply saddened to see that he’s passed away. My deepest condolences and prayers for all he loved. He called me his muse once and that gave me the confidence to keep growing as a young trans person. I still have the proofs from his photos. Rest easy dear one.
about 2 years
Severino Carbone
I met him at a conference and presenting his photographs and it changed my life. At the time I didn’t even know transitioning was possible, he opened my mind to the possibilities for that I’m forever grateful.
about 2 years
Thaniel Chase
Such a formative member of the ftm community, so sad to hear of his passing! His art did so much to ease the isolation I’m sure many of us felt back in the day. I still have his groundbreaking portrait book; in fact I may have more than one copy. Thanks for making so many of us feel not so alone. Smooth travels, brother 💖 D
about 2 years
Builtabear Productions
I am stunned and sad not just for myself, but for the tremendous loss from the trans community. He meant so much to me and did not even know it.
about 2 years