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JianHua Zhong

May 08, 1943 - May 10, 2023
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Jay Zhong

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Jay Zhong

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JianHua Zhong

May 08, 1943 - May 10, 2023

Mr. Jian-Hua Zhong, a Chinese violinist and teacher, passed away on May 10th, 2023 in his Los
Angeles home after a long battle with cancer. Mr. Zhong was a former Associate Concertmaster
at the Beijing Central Ballet Orchestra and member of China Musicians Association. He was
also the organizer and founder of the Beijing Chamber Orchestra, one of the first professional
chamber orchestras in China. He immigrated to the United States in the 1990s, and opened up
a private violin studio in the Los Angeles area, which had turned out many talented students
over the years. He is survived by his wife, Man-Xia Wu, and his son, violinist Jay Zhong

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Condolences 11

James C 钟老师是我的小提琴老师。钟老师带我进入了音乐的至高殿堂。无论是管弦乐队还是个人生涯,音乐都是我生活中浓墨重彩的一部分。钟老师告诉我,将曲目的结尾具象为星空。 当我仰望天空的时候,他的脸颊总是在我的脑海里若隐若现,他的琴声如星般灿烂。我将永远感激钟老师给我的名为“音乐”的礼物。谢谢你,钟先生。
over 1 year ago

Shengji Peng 我们有幸与钟老师相识,相交,成为亲密的朋友,胜似亲人. 钟老师, 你的爽朗笑声,机智的玩笑和和幽默带给我们无尽的欢乐,让我们笑折腰. 还有你的热情和豪爽让我们无不为之感动;这一切都将印在我们的脑海里面.;陪伴我们的余生. 钟老师安息! 天堂里快乐和幸福! Liming Peng (彭黎明)
over 1 year ago

Shengji Peng I am deeply sorry for the loss of JianHua Zhong and offer my sincere condolences. Losing someone we love is never easy, and I know that Mr. Zhong was a cherished member of this community. The impact of his loss will be felt deeply, and he will be in our thoughts in these difficult time. I am thankful for the years he dedicated his time as my violin teacher as well as benefactor for me. May he rest in peace. With heartfelt sympathy, Yu Peng
over 1 year ago

Chee Wang 钟老师吴老师手把手教授我俩女儿小提琴近十年。从小提琴启蒙到高中乐队主力,并有幸赢得2020 High School Honor Performance 选拔在Carnegie Hall 演出,领衔学校乐队在Chicago Orchestra Center 参加2023 Festival of Gold 比赛,同时为学校乐队多次赢得本地比赛。孩子们的亮丽成绩全是钟老师吴老师精心策划和培养,您们是孩子们成长的良师,我的谊友。 钟老师,您在天之灵会保佑她们伴随着音乐成长。安息吧,钟老师,天堂永远有优美的弦乐,没有病痛!
over 1 year ago

hui zhao 惊闻 钟老师 过世的消息真是让人非常震惊和难过,认识 钟老师 和 吴老师 已经将近三十年了,二位老师对我来说即是长辈又是朋友,钟老师 是杰出的小提琴演奏家和教育家,这么多年一直孜孜不倦的为小提琴的教育努力着,培养了很多优秀的学生, 钟老师 对朋友非常热情,他和 吴老师 总是在朋友有困难的时候伸出援手,他们是非常让人尊敬的长辈和朋友。天堂将有 钟老师 美妙的琴声,望 钟老师 一路走好!。 希望 吴老师 节哀!保重身体! 朋友:趙晖
over 1 year ago

Holly & Kai Fa He
over 1 year ago

Holly & Kai Fa He
over 1 year ago

Shiyu Yang 清风化雨,思念绵长! 愿姑爷爷在天堂里,幸福快乐,一切安好! 愿您优美的小提琴旋律飘扬在天堂! 愿家人们在您的庇护下顺利安康! 姑爷爷一路走好😢😢😢 诗雨代表武汉的家人们悼念🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
over 1 year ago

Holly & Kai Fa He 惊悉敬爱的钟老师与世长辞,悲恸不已!请师母和Jay节哀顺变,保重身体! 斯人已去,风范犹存!钟建华老师是我们以及几个女儿尊敬的恩师,还是我们人生的领路人,多年来他不但教我们孩子拉琴,更教给我们很多生活的哲理和智慧,他琴技高超,学识渊博,待人诚恳,为人低调, 风趣幽默 …… 一切的一切让我们永远铭记于心,愿老师一路走好!安息于极乐世界,一如既往以他精采美妙的琴声乐韵交响于天风海涛中…… 良言久听,记矣心中,化雨长沾,既往哪堪承厚爱; 噩耗遥闻,潸然泪下,师恩未报,从今何处觅尊容。 何开发、伍雄丽拜挽
over 1 year ago

Ning Yu 钟老师,祝愿你一路走好!我们有幸自九十年代中就成为你的朋友,二十多年来每每被你爽朗的笑声所感染,所鼓舞。我们相信,你在天国里依然还是那样的机智幽默,那样的充满了热情。
over 1 year ago

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