192 South Stone Avenue
Tucson , Arizona 85701-1913
192 South Stone Avenue
Tucson , Arizona 85701-1913
192 South Stone Avenue
Tucson , Arizona 85701-1913
ann Skamser
Teresa it breaks My heart to hear what happened to you. And I know that you are at peace and resting no more demons around you. But I do have good memories of you, and I know that you were a damn good cook. I will be missing all your beautiful cooking you put on Facebook. I love you and I will miss you, God bless you,
Aunt Annie
almost 2 years
Jeannette Sorich
I am so sad to hear of your passing. I have wonderful childhood memories of us . We met in grade school. You taught me Spanish and I taught you English. You have the most kind heart . We had many fun and special years together. I know you are at peace and we will meet up again my friend .
Love, Jeannette
almost 2 years
Sandi Ethridge Mirr
I'm so glad I got to talk to you a few months ago , I had so much fun playing softball with you growing up , your smile was s so beautiful , I will miss you my friend , love you Sandi
almost 2 years
Victoria Arnold
Hey Teresa we had many fun times, playing softball and hanging out with Tom, Tim, Carlos, Gloria in the riverbed until my mom said she would come down and spank us for being down there. And you said “ she can’t spank me”, wrong! Lol One time we were walking back to my trailer and you saw one of my moms cigarette butts on the ground and you picked it up and act like you were smoking it. When we were older, You tried to use my id to get into the bar and you were not successful. My dad lovingly calling you “painted desert” cause of your eye makeup. But you looked great. I love you and I’ll miss you. Glad we talked in January for one last time. Tell my mom and dad I said hi and I love them.
almost 2 years
Terry Wintz
I will really miss you, I love you and am sorry I could not save you from your demon, I tried for years! It just had a horrible grip on you! Rest in peace love!
Terry, Caddy and Velvet
almost 2 years
Terry Wintz
almost 2 years
Sonia Gutierrez
Teresa, I'm so upset about the news of your passing. I'll miss you: our talks, sharing recipes and your beautiful smile. I know you're in heaven w those that you missed so much & loved you unconditionally. I know your at peace now. Love you cuz ❤🙏🏽🌷
almost 2 years
Vera Reeves
Condolences and prayers for you all. She will truly be missed she was a wonderful lady I grew up with her family with many memories. God bless you all.
almost 2 years
Charlotte Brown Velazquez
My condolences and prayers for you my friend and for your family. I am forever grateful for our friendship and love.
almost 2 years
Nannette Villarreal
I will miss our daily talks but most of all your beautiful smile. I love you sis, May you rest in peace and dance away with Carlos.
Love your baby sister. Nannette
almost 2 years