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Diane A Hurd

May 05, 1928 - August 14, 2023
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Susan Trembath

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Susan Trembath

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Diane A Hurd

May 05, 1928 - August 14, 2023

Diane Hurd was born Dinah Ann Jones, on May 5th, 1928, in Birmingham, England. She was the youngest of the three children of Arthur and Sally Jones (nee Sainsbury), following brother Maurice and sister Barbara. After an education abbreviated by the bombing of her school in WWII, Diane became a dance teacher, where she met her husband, William Gordon Hurd, and married at the age of nineteen.

The couple immigrated to Canada, where they had two children, Susan and Julie, then moved back to England for a short while before deciding to take their big dreams to California. With their two little girls and very small car, they crossed the Atlantic by ocean liner and drove from New York City to their new home in Costa Mesa.

Diane was gentle, quiet but charming, an introvert, a stay-at-home mom and homemaker who enjoyed decorating her home, exercise and nutrition, and fashion on a budget, with the occasional splurge. She had a knack for hair and makeup, but was naturally the loveliest lady in the room. 

When in her 40s, Diane summoned the courage to audition for a show choir and, despite her fragile nerves, performed several times, once at Disneyland. 

In 1969, the family moved to San Diego. Five years later, after 26 years of an often-difficult marriage, Diane divorced, and, despite health issues and being a non-driver, faced her future bravely, working for many years as a store manager in her son-in-law's business, enabling her to buy a home of her own. She also went back to her very first love, competitive ballroom dancing, winning many trophies and accolades. On retirement, she volunteered at the Hospice of the North Coast Thrift Shop near her home for many years.

Diane loved nothing more than spending time with one of her daughters, and they with her, hunting for art and other treasures at thrift and consignment stores, and having lunch out. She saw at least one of them every week of her life, culminating in living out her final years with her younger daughter, Julie, in Northern California. She treasured that time, as did they.

Diane is survived by her two daughters, Susan (Magee) Trembath and Julie (Julz) Hurd, four grandchildren, four great-grandchildren, and several nieces and nephews. 

A private memorial celebration will take place close to Christmas, Diane's favorite holiday.

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Condolences 10

Julz Howe
about 1 year ago

Julz Howe This from Loraine Brinton: "You have known for many years how the friendship that Diane and I shared was long and meaningful. We both loved ballroom dancing. We went through the 70's period of group introspections (I'm OK You're OK) and coming out from those still feeling pretty much the same! We loved going down to Old Town in San Diego and up the coast to Del Mar. Lots of little trips (fortunately I had a car, so no problem with transportation) where we always enjoyed each other's company. What more can I say other than that WE WERE THE BEST OF FRIENDS. I always felt that your care of your mother was a supreme act of love and bless you for that. Love, Lorain"
about 1 year ago

Tom Magee Julie and Susan, my deepest condolences to both of you. I am sure the loss of such a wonderful mother will be felt for a long time. I also hope that the many memories of a loving and lovely mother will help you achieve the balance that occurs over time during mourning. I remember meeting Diane for the first time with Susan at Grossmont Center. I was immediately struck by her grace and style. She then became such a wonderful mother-in-law and grandmother to our children. She will be missed by all of her family and friends, but more importantly, remembered for her style, grace, and loving nature. Tom
about 1 year ago

John Beebe John Beebe: I met Diane when I began dating her daughter Susan when I was 17 years old. Diane was in her early 40's. She was a real looker. I remember listening to her stories about being cramped in bomb shelters during WW2 in England. She became my mother in law when Sue and I married in 1972. She was a good cook and I was often invited to dinner when Sue and I were dating. Later she worked in my UTC Clock store as the manager. With her British accent and stylish good looks she was also an excellent sales lady. She will always have a place in my heart.
about 1 year ago

Julz Howe
about 1 year ago

Marty Lich Please accept my deepest condolences for your family's loss. I have so many happy memories of going to your house as a child. Love to you all. Marty (Zeboray) Lich
about 1 year ago

Penny Macphail I’m sorry I’ve not met you Susan but my goodness I adored your mother the instant I set eyes on her when living with Julz. It was impossible not to just soak up her beautiful smile. I partook of such a hug that was boney and frail but firm and lingering. She just exuded love and humor. I adored how her expressions showed how much she loved Julz. How vastly and readily she was entertained by her when there was a conversation going on between the three of us. I knew when JULZ made me roar with laughter .that she was just so proud of her daughter. I can’t begin to imagine what a top banana she must have been in her youth. Love it re the competitive dancing!! I only met her in her nineties and coping bravely with various medical challenges. I know for sure she will always have been a gentle soul but I’m sure she was also an enthusiast and a ‘doer’. For sure she taught her daughter how to love and laugh and sing…and how to patiently support those you love. She reaped a fine harvest of years ..and every day of the last more challenging years was spent knowing she was utterly cherished by her family. Thank you Julz for sharing her with me and the Good Fairy Marin community. I am forever enriched for having met Angela Lansbury’s greatest fan ..and yours. Love from Penny and all her fairy fans at Good Fairy Marin. Photo is a still from my fav of her legendary pizzazz-loaded singing birthday videos .. this one was ‘I’ve never been 94 before’.
about 1 year ago

Joy Christensen So much the embodiment of the word "Lovely". I only knew her as Julie's mom but I instantly and always admired her. My deep sympathy to Susan and Julie for their loss but I Hope they can find comfort and a bit of amusement knowing their mother is bringing a touch of class to heaven.
about 1 year ago

Richard Trembath It was lovely to have Diane as a mother in law - always delightful to be in her presence. She was a beautiful, gentle soul. Condolences to Julie and Susan. Richard
about 1 year ago

Julz Howe
about 1 year ago

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